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Make Peace With Food
Module 1 - Nutrition
1. Understanding Why You Binge Eat
2. Interesting Food Facts You Should Know About
3. How To Quickly & Efficiently Re-Nourish Your Body
4. The Simple Technique That Will Give You Great Results
5. Reconnecting With Your Hunger & Satiety Levels
6. Deconstructing Your Cravings
Module 2 - Mind
1. Putting Recovery First
2. The Powerful Technique Of Dissociation
3. Creating and Erasing Habits
4. Developing Rational Thinking
5. The Power Of Your Mind
6. The Key To a Happier Life
Module 3 - Body
1. Overcoming The Fear Of Weight Gain
2. One Thing You Have To Stop To Transform Your Life
3. Ditching Fat Feelings Forever
4. Uncover Your Relationship With Exercise
5. Creating A Rocking Body Image
6. Yoga As Awesomeness Awakening Tool
Module 4 - Self-Love
1. What is Self-Love & How Does It Work?
2. The Superpowers Of Affirmations
3. Yoga Nidra
4. Embracing Who You Are
5. The Key To Success
6. The Importance Of Me Time
Module 5 - Soul
1. Acceptance & Forgiveness
2. Love vs Fear
3. How To Be Happier
4. We Are All Energy
5. The Power Of Your Breath
6. Who Do You Want To Be In This World?
BONUS - Intro to Vinyasa Flow Yoga
1. Vinyasa Flow Fundation (6:51)
2. Sun Salute with high lunge (11:05)
4. We Are All Energy
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