Important principles to make the most of the program...
Now, before we dive in, I want to share a few tips and tricks with you to help you get the best results:
First of all, as you already know, this program covers a lot of content. This is over 12 months of 1:1 coaching, so it’s a lot to take on. This is why, I highly recommend you to only watch a couple of videos at the time and do the exercises straight away, before moving on to the next video.
This is important to make sure you absorb the information properly, apply the concepts and use the tools in your day to day life before watching new lectures.
If you watch everything all at once, you’ll most likely feel overwhelmed and discouraged. This will get you absolutely nowhere… except maybe… in looser land ;-)
As one of my biggest mentor says: “indulging in overwhelm is just a mechanism that allows you to beat yourself up unnecessarily and waste your time and energy.”
The second thing I want to stress is the fact that this program has been structured to make sure you get the best results. Each section is building upon another. That means that I want you to work with the specific flow I’ve designed for you. You have to start with section 1 to learn and understand your nutrition before starting to work on section 2. Mind, and so on.
If you don’t follow this structure that would be the exact same as trying to build a house starting from the roof. It’s just not going to work!
Make Peace With Food is deep personal work. It will help you shift deep rooted negative patterns and you can truly be proud of yourself for doing this work. You might not consciously realise it yet but deep rooted things are going to shift, so this is crucial to be very gentle with yourself and that you take extra care of yourself during that time. As I’ve said earlier, don’t beat yourself up when things are not perfect.
You’ll definitely have ups and downs and this is normal. The only thing you have to do is to make progress, baby step by baby step, and as long as you’ll keep going and take consistent action, you will make progress.
I am thrilled to start this life changing program with you. I’ll be there for you every step of the way and I can not wait to see your results and what’s going to unfold for you.
Thanks again and I’ll talk to you soon!